Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homemade Caramels

Once again my sister found a treat and insisted that I make it. Now, I already mentioned that I love to bake so it wasn't like she had to twist my arm. And I do love a challenge. You see, I'm not horribly domestic but I can cook and I have mad skills when it comes to baking, and if given a choice I'd spend more time in my vanity than in the kitchen, but with that said I love me a kitchen gadget almost as much as I love a new make-up brush, and I spend more time than people think in the kitchen. Why am I telling you this? Well, because these caramels required a CANDY THERMOMETER! I always wanted a candy thermometer but they kind of intimidated me. But I HAD to make these caramels, so I broke down and bought one. Can I just tell you that these things are SUPER easy to use and so NOT intimidating. At all! They're actually pretty awesome and I'm now wondering how I've made it this far without one. 

And now onto the candy making........
1 C Butter
2 1/4 C Packed brown sugar (I use light golden brown)
1 (14 oz) Can sweetened condensed milk (you can use regular or Fat Free, really no one knows the difference)
1 Dash salt (1/8 tsp if you don't have a set of spoons with a dash measurement)
1/2 C Light (1/3 less calories than regular) corn syrup (original recipe called for 1C but I ran out and it was just fine with a 1/2 C)
1 tsp. Vanilla
Candy Thermometer
  • Grease an 8x8  or 9x9 inch pan (I used  glass 8x8 Pyrex)
  • Melt the butter in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan
  • Add sugar and salt
  • Blend in corn syrup and condensed milk, stirring CONSTANTLY
  • Keep stirring until the candy thermometer reads 245 degrees or Soft Ball
  • Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and pour into the greased pan
  • Let cool completely, (you can put it in the fridge overnight)
  • Cut into squares and wrap in wax paper

If you're wondering about that crazy looking mitt, its my oven mitt. My hand was starting to get a little too warm from the heat and the constant stirring. 


This image serves no real purpose. This is what your left with after pouring everything into your Pyrex. Think if it as the equivalent of the bowl that you get to lick. This will give you a little taste of what's to come. I will warn you now, TOTALLY ADDICTING! 

Look at the yummy ooey gooeyness

Caramel cooling. Waiting was agony. Pure agony I tell you!

Voila! Tasty treats! Now I realize mine did not turn out as pretty as the ones in the original post from A Piece of Cake, but presentation of food is not my forte, I'm still working on that. For now I'm going for a more natural and organic look. Think of each piece as a one of a kind piece of goodness!

My sister thought this was the perfect opportunity to introduce the little to a little taste of her future. It did not take long for her to realize that this was NOT strained carrots or green beans. She suddenly went from the calm little face you see above, "mmm this tastes yummy, what is this? Can I have some every day? I like candy, that's what this stuff is called right?" to this...

"Auntie give me candy NOW and no one gets hurt!" 

And then she took my camera and held it ransom. It was not pretty. 

So there you have it! Homemade caramel. Super easy. I honestly didn't look at the clock while stirring although I should have. I'm going to guess that it took approximately 20 minutes to get to Soft Ball. I suggest you let it cool overnight before cutting but if you have no patience then I would say let it cool 2-3 hours (based on your climate) before cutting and wrapping. 


  1. If I make these on saturday would they still be good on monday?

  2. @Coley - Yes. Mine lasted over a week in the fridge and tasted great till the very last one. I'm sure you cold leave them out too but I prefer my caramels to be kinda hard/chewy.

  3. Absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!!! I'm not the greatest baker but I followed your recipe to the "T" and the caramels turned out PERFECT!!!! My Mother in law is in love with these!! Thank you!!!!

  4. @Coley - YAY, you're the 2nd person that tried them this weekend and loves them. So glad you did and that they turned out! Aren't they addicting? Do you have a blog/site where you posted them I would love to add a link? If not do you have a picture of the final product? My friend just sent me one and I want to create a post with it and would love to include yours as well if you'd like.
